Welcome to “Lægerne Ringgade 168″!

How can you make an appointment?
- For easy communication with your doctor we suggest using the app Min Læge. Here you can easily book an appointment, get the contact information for both your doctor and the GPs Emergency Service, and you can start your videoconsultation (if you have booked this type of consultation). In order to use the app you need to have MitID to log onto the system with.
- An other way, to get an appointment, is our “E-PORTAL” (e-platform) in order to avoid long telephone-queues. Note: Also here MitID is required for registration/log in. Go to “login på selvbetjening” and register as a user of our e-platform (fill in the registration scheme and press “opret mig som bruger”). Here you can make appointments, communicate with your doctor/nurse, or renew prescriptions. If you do not have MitID, please contact the reception.
- On our e-platform, you can book appointments from 12 am the day before until 12 am the actual day you want to come and see your doctor.
- You can call the reception desk between 8 am and 12 am the day you want to come and see your doctor. The only kind of appointment that you can schedule some time ahead are “scheduled routine consultations*”, see underneath.
- Alternatively you can come to the reception desk between 9 am and 12 am the day you want to have an appointment with your doctor.
* scheduled routine consultations (“planlagte konsultationer”):
- Routine checks for children, see also “børneundersøgelser” and “børnevaccinationer”.
- Routine checks during pregnancy (in week 6-10, 24, 32 of your pregnancy).
- Yearly checks for patients with chronical diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COLD), Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Hypertension.
- Medical Attestations, eg. for driving licenses.
- Consultations with the nurse.
If you are in doubt, please, ask our secretary at the reception desk. In order to schedule the so-called routine appointments, please, call us some time ahead in the time frames described above.
Acute illness after 12 am?
- In emergency cases after 12 am you can call us on our emergency phone +45 43 58 48 29.
Blood tests:
If you and your doctor/nurse have agreed on taking a blood sample, you can come 8 – 8.30 am without an appointment. Please be aware that there may be some waiting time.
In Denmark, we have GP Consultation Nurses who provide care for their patients quite independently – but under the doctors’ daily supervision. They are specialized in chronic diseases, vaccinations, wound care, sting removal, etc. For appointments and further information, please, contact the reception desk.
Quality assessment:
Our clinics has been accredited september 2018.